Ezra: Chapter 8, 9, and 10 Ezra Chapter 8, 9, and 10 January 4, 2020The Second ReturnIn the seventh year of Artaxerxes, 458 B.C., just 58 years after the completion of the temple, Ezra led a group of some 1,500 men and their families back to Jerusalem.The walls of Jerusalem had not been rebuilt, and the people had begun to…
Tag: Ezra
Ezra: Chapter 5-7
Ezra: Chapter 5-7 Ezra: Chapter 5-7 December 7, 2019 Work on Temple resumed through encouragement of ProphetsNow Rebuilding Begins AnewEzra 5:1 Then the prophet Haggai and Zechariah the son of Iddo, prophets, prophesied to the Jews who were in Judah and Jerusalem, in the name of the God of Israel, who was over them.The work on the temple had been stopped,…
Haggai: Chapter 1 and 2
Haggai: Chapter 1 and 2 Haggai: Chapter 1 and 2 November 16, 2019 Haggai was one of the Post-exile, early post-captivity prophets. His name means: Hag = festival or my festival, Festive Haggai ministry was to rebuke the returned exiles for their delay in rebuilding the Temple and to encourage them to set to work. Expressions such as “the Word…
Ezra: Chapter 1 thru 4
Ezra: Chapter 1 thru 4 Ezra: Chapter 1 thru Chapter 4 November 02, 2019 We went through Book of Esther and saw what it did for the Jewish people.But why and what happen for the need of Esther.How did the Jewish people change, to need EstherWhat did the Jews doHow was Esther really involved.Let’s see how all…