Steve and Charlene SeachordPastor Fairview Texas Church of GodP. O. Box 866112Plano, Texas 75086-6112 Mission StatementWe are an Independent, Sabbath Observing, and Christian Church We, as individuals sharing a common set of beliefs, and accepting our individual responsibility for our own relationship with God: · We meet together on a regular basis to study His word as presented to us in The…
Category: Fairview Texas Church of God
In Memorial, Pastor Wayne Hinton
In Memorial, Wayne Hinton, Beloved PastorMarch 8, 1944 - August 5, 2016Fairview Texas Church of God Wayne Hinton, friend and Pastor, 72, March 8, 1944 - August 5, 2016, passed away suddenly Friday, August 5th, 2016. Left to cherish his memory is his wife of 47 years, their 2 children and six grandkids and many, many friends. Memorial Service was…
Statement of Belief
Statement of BeliefsDraft – Learning in ProgressWayne Hinton, Minister, ElderOctober 15, 1999Updated Draft by Steve Seachord with Wayne HintonJune 20161. God2. Bible3. Jesus4. Holy Spirit5. Angels6. Satan / Demons7. Salvation8. Faith9. Ten Commandments / God’s Law10. Sabbath11. Holy Bays12. Sin13. Repentance14. Baptism15. The Church of God / Christians16. The Second Coming of Christ17. The Resurrection (s)18. Judgment19. Tithing20. Healing21. Kingdom…