Book of John 19:1-17 Pilate declares Jesus innocent but is becoming “uptight” over the whole issue because of the Jewish Leadership and what they threaten to do to him. Last time, we covered the Betrayal and Arrest of Jesus.Jesus faces Annas and CaiaphasPeter denies Jesus 3 timesSix trials (three Jewish; three Roman, we covered)Finally, Jesus is Before Pilate:Remember, Pilate declares…
Category: New Testament Messages
One Body with Many Members
One Body with Many Members One Body with Many Members: Did you know that the Bible talks about a Body? The Body of Christ. We understand that the Bible is talking about a spiritual Body by using the natural Body as an illustration. Have you ever thought about your Body and how marvelous it is made?Every part has its own…
John 18:24-40
John 18:24-40 Jesus is arrested and the start of many trials. Jesus just had His trial with Annas and now the trial with Caiaphas, and then with the trial with the Sanhedrin Jesus had 6 different trials, 3 Jewish Trials, and 3 Roman TrialsJewish Trials:Before Annas John 18:12-14Before Caiaphas John 18:19-24Before the Sanhedrin Matthew 27:1, 2Roman Trials:Before Pilate John 18:28-38Before…
Divorce for the Saints – Baptism
Divorce for the Saints Baptism Let’s be realistic on this subject, as it is really the hardest subject to talk about and to cover. The views of individuals goes from one extreme to another, using the same Scriptures. Let’s be realistic on this subject, as it is really the hardest subject to talk about and to cover. The views of…
Book of John 18:1-23
Book of John 18:1-23 Betrayal and Arrest of Jesus John 18:1 When Jesus had spoken these words, He went out with His disciples over the Brook Kidron, where there was a garden, which He and His disciples entered.The name Gethsemane omitted the garden name, at the foot of the Mount of Olives {means olive press}: Brook Kidron = “dark (black)…
Miracles of Satan apostles and workers
Miracles of Satan apostles and workers Last time, the question came up, can Satan apostles and workers perform miracles like the Lord Jesus Apostles and workers.Miracles of Satan apostles and workers February 11, 2023Last time, the question came up, can Satan apostles and workers perform miracles like the Lord Jesus Apostles and workers.I guess, what does it mean to be…
Apostles Miracles in Acts
Apostles Miracles in Acts We know the Apostles did miracles, but what were they. Do any come to mind. With so much sickness today, healing is an important thing in life. We are covering the miracles of our Lord Jesus, were 1000’s are following Jesus, after His death, most left Him, with only 120 in the upper room for the…
John 17:1-26: The real Lord’s Prayer
John 17:1-26: The real Lord’s Prayer The real Lord’s Prayer; This is the longest recorded personal prayer of our Lord Jesus and portrays Jesus’ Intercession This is the longest recorded personal prayer of our Lord Jesus and portrays Jesus’ IntercessionHebrews 7:25 Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to…