Feast of Trumpets 2021 – Yom Teruah Trumpets: A Day of blowing of trumpetsThe Lord’s festival cycle runs with the agricultural year in the land and as we approach the end of the growing season, with the wet season starts after the Feast of Tabernacles. The end of the season will happen with the sounding of the shofar (trumpet) blast on…
Tag: Priest
The Book of Revelation 1:1-20
The Book of Revelation 1:1-20 First let’s notice up front, the Revelation is singular, not plural.Revelation: means The Unveiling or DisclosureThe ultimate end, finish of all things.The only book promising a special blessing to the reader.404 verses containing over 800 hints from the Old Testament.It presents the climax of God’s Plan for Man. Apostle John, the Author of:The Gospel of…