Book of Psalms 9:1-20

Book of Psalms 9:1-20

The problem in Psalm 9 is the enemy invading from without:  Pharisees, scribes, and Jewish Leadership; while the problem in Psalm 10 is the enemy within; Judas.

Book of Psalms 9:1-20                        August 21, 2021

Psalms 9:1 I will give thanks to the LORD with all my heart, I will declare all your wonderful deeds.

The Saints Praise Jesus with their Whole Heart and will Tell Everyone of Your Wonderful Works and Deeds

Jesus is to be praised for His deeds and His name with all our heart. Jesus name represents who He is; His deeds stand for all He does.

Hebrews 13:15 Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praisethe fruit of lips that openly profess his name.

Luke 10:27 He answered, “You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind. 

Matthew 21:15 The chief priests and the teachers of the Law became angry when they saw the wonderful things he was doing and the children shouting in the Temple, “Praise to David’s Son!”

Psalms 9:2 I will be glad and rejoice in you; I will sing the praises of your name, O Most High. 

The Saints are Thankful and Rejoice in Jesus and Will Sing Praises to Your Name

Philippians 4:4 Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!

Ephesians 5:19 Then you will recite to one another psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs; you will sing and make music to the Lord with your hearts;

Real praise to Jesus is not halfhearted; it involves one’s whole being.  Jesus is over all things.

Psalms 9:3 When my enemies turn back, they will stumble and perish before you.

Jesus Enemies will Turn Back and Stumble and Perish in Your Presence

Jesus enemies will stumble when they come against Him.  Who are Jesus enemies is Satan, his demons and individuals who are led by Satan spirit. 

John 18:6 When Jesus said, “I am he,” they drew back and fell to the ground.

Saul and his companions fell to the ground because they were enemies of Jesus.  This shows His power over His enemies.

Acts 26:14 “All of us fell to the ground, and I heard a voice asking me in the Hebrew language, ‘Saul! Saul! Why are you persecuting me? It is hurting you to keep on kicking against the cattle prods.’

Jesus enemy is also our enemy, and Jesus tells us what to against our enemy.

James 4:7 Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

Psalms 9:4 For you have brought about justice for me and my cause; you sit on the throne judging righteously.

The Righteous Judge Maintains the Saints Right and Cause as Jesus Sits on the Throne.

We know Jesus is in control and executes judgment on my behalf and against His enemies.   Jesus said:

John 7:24 Stop judging by appearances, but judge with righteous judgment!

Psalms 9:5 You {Jesus} rebuked the nations, you destroyed the wicked, you wiped out their name forever and ever.

Jesus Condemns the Nations and Destroys the Wicked and Blots out Their Name Forever

Jesus will destroyed the wicked.

2 Thessalonians 2:8 And then the lawless {or Wicked} one will be revealed, whom the Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming.

Psalms 9:6 The enemy has perished, reduced to ruins forever. You uprooted their cities, the very memory of them vanished.

Jesus Enemies are Doomed Forever with the Memory of Them and Their Cities Completely Forgotten

Jesus will destroy the great city.

Revelation 18:2 He cried out in a powerful voice, “Fallen! Babylon the Great has fallen! She has become a home for demons. She is a prison for every unclean spirit, a prison for every unclean bird, and a prison for every unclean and hated beast.

Psalms 9:7 But the LORD {Jesus} sits on his throne forever; his throne is established for judgment.

Jesus will Sit on His Throne Forever and His Throne was Prepared to Judge the Nations

Hebrews 1:8 But about the Son he says, “Your throne, O God, is forever and ever, and the scepter of your kingdom is a righteous scepter.

Psalms 9:8 He will judge the world in righteousness and make just decisions for the people.  {for the Saints}

Jesus will Judge the Nations Righteously and Make Just Decisions for the People.

Acts 17:31 because He has appointed a day on which He will judge the world in righteousness by the Man whom He has ordained. He has given assurance of this to all by raising Him from the dead.”   {Paul quotes this verse at Mars Hill}

Luke 18:7  And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off?

Psalms 9:9 The LORD {Jesus} is a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of distress.

Jesus is a Refuge for the Saints, a Place of Safety in Times of Trouble

When we are oppressed, we may go to Jesus, for He is my refuge in times of trouble.

Matthew 11:28 “Come to me, all of you who are weary and loaded down with burdens, and I will give you rest.

Psalms 9:10 Those who know your name will trust you, for you have not forsaken those who seek you, LORD.

Your Saints Trust and Know Jesus Mercy Because You have not Forsaken Your Saints

We have great reason to trust in Jesus because of His Word, the Scriptures, His grace and mercy on us, and He will never forsake us in life or in death and we will be changed at His coming.

Hebrews 13:5 Keep your lives free from the love of money, and be content with what you have, for God has said, “I will never leave you or abandon you.

Psalms 9:11 Sing praises to the LORD {Jesus} who dwells in Zion; declare his mighty deeds among the peoples.

The Saints Sing Praises to Jesus Who Lives in Jerusalem and Tell every Person what He has Done 

We are to sing praises to God

Hebrews 13:15 Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise, the fruit of lips that openly profess his name.

John 17:26 and I {Jesus} have made Your name known to them, and will make it known, so that the love with which You loved Me may be in them, and I in them.”

Psalms 9:12 As an avenger of blood, he remembers them; he has not forgotten the cry of the afflicted.

Jesus is the Avenger of Murder and Remembers Them and Does Not Ignore the Cries of the Afflicted.

Jesus is the Avenger and will judge the wicked and establish His just rule.  Jesus will avenge the Saints and will not permit the wicked to go unpunished.

Revelation 16:6 for they have shed the blood of your holy people and your prophets, and you have given them blood to drink as they deserve.”  {Refers to Armageddon???}

Revelation 19:2 His judgments are true and just. He has condemned the notorious prostitute who corrupted the world with her immorality. He has taken revenge on her for the blood of his servants.”

Psalms 9:13 Be gracious to me, LORD, take note of my affliction, because of those who hate me. You snatch me away from the gates of death,

Jesus, see How our Physical and Spiritual Enemies Persecute your Saints and Please have Mercy, Protect, and Rescue Us from the Evil Ones  

Jesus prayed to the Father many times according to the Scriptures. 

Pharisees wanted to kill Jesus and tried to seize him many times.

John 7:1 After this, Jesus traveled about in Galilee, because he didn’t want to travel in Judea, since the Jews there were trying to kill him.

John 10:39 Again they tried to seize him {Jesus}, but he slipped away from them.

We also have enemies that wants to kill Christians and we know Satan and his demons are on the prowl for prey.  Being Believers and supporters of Jesus, the Creator.

Psalms 9:14 so I may declare everything for which you should be praised in the gates of the daughter of Zion, so I will rejoice in your deliverance.

The Saints will Declare, Praise and Rejoice in Jesus, our Salvation before the People in Your City, Jerusalem.

Jesus suffers grief in all kinds of trials throughout his life.  From His brothers, sisters, neighbors, gossip, Pharisees, wanting to kill him, disciplines, lies against Him, etc.  

1 Peter 1:6 In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials.

Psalms 9:15 The nations have sunk down into the pit they made, their feet are ensnared in the trap they set.

Traps and Pitfalls have Caught the Individuals Themselves for Which they Set and Dug for Others

The nations made the pits for others should fall in them, but they fall into the traps they made.  

Jesus knows the devices of the wicked and the results for the wicked are brought into the destruction. 

1 Corinthians 3:19 For the wisdom of this world is nonsense in God’s sight. For it is written, He catches the wise with their own trickery,”

Psalms 9:16 The LORD is known by his acts of justice; the wicked are ensnared by the work of their hands. 

By the Acts of Justice, Jesus is Known Because the Wicked is Caught by Their Own Hands

Here is an example by Jesus to ensnare the wicked.

John 8:8-9 Then he bent down again and continued writing on the ground.  (9)  When they heard this, they went away one by one, beginning with the oldest, and he was left alone with the woman standing there. 

These results are destructive to the wicked themselves because Jesus overthrows their enterprises. We have many examples in the Scriptures how Jesus punishes the wicked in their own snares.

Psalms 9:17 The wicked will turn back to where the dead are, all the nations that have forgotten God.

Those who Reject Jesus, the Punishment is Death for All the Wicked Individuals 

Revelation 19:20 The beast was captured, along with the false prophet who had performed signs on its behalf. By these signs the false prophet had deceived those who had received the mark of the beast and worshiped its image. Both of them were thrown alive into the lake of fire that burns with sulfur.

**Revelation 19:21 The rest were killed by the sword that belonged to the rider on the horse and that came from his mouth, and all the birds gorged themselves with their flesh.

There are both nations and individuals consciences, who, though they knew God once, then forgot him, that is, are unmindful of him, do not acknowledge him in their lives by their designs, ways and works.

Romans 2:6-8 For he will repay everyone according to what that person has done: (7) eternal life to those who strive for glory, honor, and immortality by patiently doing good; (8) but wrath and fury for those who in their selfish pride refuse to believe the truth and practice wickedness instead.

Psalms 9:18 For he will not always overlook the plight of the poor, nor will the hope of the afflicted perish forever.

Jesus will Never Forget the Needy; the Hope of the Poor will Not be Crushed Forever

The hope of the oppressed {poor, have nothing, miserable, slaves} shall not be forgotten or ignored forever and will one day be taken care of and Jesus Himself will be their Protector.

Luke 4:18 “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me; he has anointed me to tell the good news to the poor. He has sent me to announce release to the prisoners and recovery of sight to the blind, to set oppressed people free,

Psalms 9:19 Rise up, LORD {Jesus}, do not let man prevail! The nations will be judged in your presence.

Jesus, Please do Not Let the Wicked Prevail and in your Presence, Pronounce Judgment on Them.

Jesus cannot allow wickedness of rebellion to continue in Nations and individuals.

Daniel 7:21-22 “As I continued to watch, that same horn waged war against the Saints, and was prevailing against them  (22)  until the Ancient of Days arrived to pass judgment in favor of the Saints of the Highest One and the time came for the Saints to take possession of the kingdom.

Revelation 13:7 It was allowed to wage war against the Saints and to conquer them. It was also given authority over every tribe, people, languages, and nation.

This is the time Jesus will deliver His Bride under oppression and persecution from the wicked. 

Psalms 9:20 Strike them with terror, LORD; let the nations know they are only human. 

Jesus, Send Terror to the People in the Nations and Let Them Know They are Only Mortal Beings

Jesus will do this at Babylon’s destruction

Revelation 18:10 standing at a distance for fear of her torment, saying, ‘Alas, alas, that great city Babylon, that mighty city! For in one hour your judgment has come.’

Acts 12:23 Immediately the angel of the Lord struck him {Herod} down because he did not give glory to God, and he was eaten by worms and died.

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