John 3:1-36 Must be Born Again

John 3:1-36 Must be Born Again John, Chapter 3, covers how Jesus corrects Nicodemus, a high ranking teacher of the law, how come you do not know these things, that you must be Born Again and how John the Baptist exalts Jesus. John 3:1-36    Must be Born Again                       July 18, 2016Remember, Chapter 1 explains that Jesus was the God, Spokesman,…

Abraham Unconditional Covenant, Pt 3

Abraham Unconditional Covenant, Pt 3 We have learned about the term “Israel”, what it really means in the Scriptures. When they were one nation, under Moses and under David and Solomon, they were known as Israel and then the separation of the Nation of Israel into 2 nations. House of Judah {southern} and the House of Israel {northern}. Abraham Unconditional…