Thanksgiving Message with Promise

Thanksgiving Message with Promise November 21, 2020This week we will be celebrating Thanksgiving with our family.  We look forward to the fellowship of our expended family.  We are going to have the normal Thanksgiving Dinner, but different, having a smoke turkey.  What type of food do you have with your Thanksgiving Dinner. We have read in the past about thanksgiving…

Cornelius and Peter’s Sermon

Cornelius and Peter’s Sermon We have covered in detail several different individuals in the Scriptures and today we will cover another one, Cornelius, Roman Centurion, who was the Gentile, First Fruits of Believers and then Peter’s sermon about the Gospel of Jesus. Cornelius and Peter’s Sermon                                   October 17, 2020Cornelius – What do we know about himA Centurion or Captain,…

Day of Atonement – Removal of Satan

Day of Atonement Removal of Satan Atonement period is a time of reflection in our lives, turning our lives around in certain parts of what we do, a repentance of things in our lives, a realignment, recommitment, and redirection towards God.  Jesus removes Satan when Jesus returns to the earth to be ruler of the earth.Atonement or At-One-Ment with God …

Feast of Trumpets – Jesus Returns

Feast of Trumpets Jesus Returns Feast of Trumpets – Jesus Returns               September 19, 2020Feast of Trumpets:  Jesus Christ returns to the earth as King and sets up His Kingdom by replacing every human government and 2nd: changes His bride at the twinkling of an eye to a Spirit Being at the sounding of a great trumpet blast.Feast of Trumpets and…