Deborah, Judge and Prophetess

Deborah, Judge and Prophetess Deborah, Judge and Prophetess                      February 18, 2017Story:  the Israel people sinned and suffered by enduring twenty years of Canaanite rule.Deborah, the Judge and Prophetess lived during the 12 Century B.C. She was a person who moral authority was regarded as inspired by the Lord, and was therefore accepted in the settlement of disputes. She was known to…

Sacrifice Offerings of the Lord: Part 3 of 3

Sacrifice Offerings of the Lord: Part 3 of 3 Sacrifice Offerings of the Lord: Part 3 of 3              March 7, 2020 Voluntary Sacrifice – Sweet aroma to the LORDBurnt Offering; Meal Offering; Peace OfferingMandatory non-sweet savor for us: The Cleansing from GodSin Offering; The Guild or Trespass OfferingThese offering or sacrifices are hard to understand, so many rules and terminology. All…

Esther: Chapters: 9, 10

Esther: Chapters: 9, 10 Jews Destroy Their Enemies Esther: Chapters: 9, 10               March 09, 2019The Jews Destroy Their Enemies We learn that Persia’s like their Banquets or feast and their drinking wine according to the law.King Xerxes goes to war against the Greece and loses.King needs a Queen since he replaced the prior Queen and Esther is made Queen.King…

Esther, Chapter 7, 8:

Esther, Chapter 7, 8: Esther, Chapter 7, 8:                                    March 2, 2019 God Saves the Jews through Queen Esther Haman wanted to kill all the Jews, plan set in motion, in the Persian Empire.Remember:Mordecai told Esther she will not escape what will happen to the Jews.Who knows if you have come to your royal position for such a…

Esther, Chapter 5-6: Esther Banquet for Haman

Esther, Chapter 5-6: Esther Banquet for Haman Esther, Chapter 5-6:     Esther Banquet for Haman        February 23, 2019Jesus is working behind the sceneHaman wanted to kill all the Jews, plan set in motion, in the Persian Empire.Remember:Mordecai told Esther she will not escape what will happen to the Jews.Who knows if you have come to your royal position for such…