Book of John 21:1-25 This is final summary of John’s written Gospel.Jesus Appears to Seven Disciples, Peter and 6 other disciples return to fishing. Wonder what the other disciples did. Go home? John 21:1 After these things Jesus showed Himself again to the disciples at the Sea of Tiberias, and in this way, He showed Himself:The disciples went from Jerusalem…
Tag: John
Book of John 20:1-31
Book of John 20:1-31 The Resurrection is the capstone of all events in the Bible. Jesus’ conquest of death and His destiny, The Resurrection of the Messiah: the goal committed before the foundation of the world! Christianity’s most fundamental and certain eventJob 19:25-27 For I know that my Redeemer lives, And He shall stand at last on the earth; (26) …
Apostles Miracles in Acts
Apostles Miracles in Acts We know the Apostles did miracles, but what were they. Do any come to mind. With so much sickness today, healing is an important thing in life. We are covering the miracles of our Lord Jesus, were 1000’s are following Jesus, after His death, most left Him, with only 120 in the upper room for the…
Book of John 16:1-33: Work of the Holy Spirit
Book of John 16:1-33: Work of the Holy Spirit The departing Jesus Final TeachingMore on the work of the Holy Spirit, then sorrow will turn into joy and Jesus says I have overcome the world.The reason for Jesus’ warning: certain persecution Chapter 15, Jesus discusses with disciples, I am the True Vineand Jesus talk how the world will hate us,…
Book of John 15:1-27: Jesus is the True Vine.
Book of John 15:1-27: Jesus is the True Vine. Jesus is having a heart to heart talk with His disciplesI Am the Way, and the Truth, and the LifeJesus Promises the Holy SpiritThe disciples arise and left the upper room, with the Lord Jesus, our Messiah. Arise, let us go from hereJesus is the True Vine. Our relationship with Him,…
Book of John 12:31-50
Book of John 12:31-50 The Son of Man Must Be Lifted Up on the Cross, Lord Jesus John 12:31 Now is the time for the judgment of this world to begin. Now will the ruler of this world be thrown out.By Jesus was killed on the cross, resurrected back to life and now sits on a Throne in Heaven at…
The Book of Revelation 1:1-20
The Book of Revelation 1:1-20 First let’s notice up front, the Revelation is singular, not plural.Revelation: means The Unveiling or DisclosureThe ultimate end, finish of all things.The only book promising a special blessing to the reader.404 verses containing over 800 hints from the Old Testament.It presents the climax of God’s Plan for Man. Apostle John, the Author of:The Gospel of…
Book of John 8:31-59
Book of John 8:31-59: The Truth Will Set You Free Book of John 8:31-59 March 13, 2021 Last time: Story about the Woman Caught in Adultery,Jesus is still in the Treasury Room, right after the Feast of Tabernacles.Jesus explains to the Pharisees that “I AM” the Light of the World andSaid, if you continue in my word, then, only then, the…
John 6:60-71, 7:1-24
John 6:60-71, 7:1-24 John 6:51 I am the Living Bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats this bread, he will live forever. And the bread I will give for the life of the world is my flesh." John 6:51 I am the Living Bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats this bread, he will live forever.…
John 3:1-36 Must be Born Again
John 3:1-36 Must be Born Again John, Chapter 3, covers how Jesus corrects Nicodemus, a high ranking teacher of the law, how come you do not know these things, that you must be Born Again and how John the Baptist exalts Jesus. John 3:1-36 Must be Born Again July 18, 2016Remember, Chapter 1 explains that Jesus was the God, Spokesman,…