Pentecost 2023

Pentecost 2023 We are celebrating a birthday party today when the Holy Spirit was given out to the Body and Bride of Jesus and the Start of the New Testament Church.The Feast of Pentecost (means 50), also known as Feast of Shavuot, or Feast of Harvest or Feast of Weeks.  Pentecost is the festival when Christians celebrate the gift of…

Book of John 11:45-57

Book of John 11:45-57 The raising of Lazarus is found only in the Gospel of John. Before the final week, we have a special witness to His Glory. Book of John 11:45-57                                August 28, 2021The raising of Lazarus is found only in the Gospel of John. Before the final week, we have a special witness to His Glory.John 11:43 After…

Book of John 10:19-42; 11:1-6

Book of John 10:19-42; 11:1-6 Book of John 10:19-42; 11:1-6                    July 17, 2021 John 10 is the famous “Good Shepherd” chapter.We are still in Jerusalem at the end of the Feast of Tabernacles.Pharisees were the shepherds of Israel and consider Jesus was an intruder and impostor, a false shepherd to the people.John 10:19 Once again there was a division among the…