Memorial Day 2020

Memorial Day 2020 Memorial Day 2020                               May 23, 2020Memorial Day is to Honor, Respect and Remember our Military men and women Veterans who died while they served in United States Military Service and as for today we added those Veterans who has since died after serving in our United States Military. The loss of memory is a sad thing. It…

Jesus will return to the Earth

Jesus will return to the Earth Jesus will return to the Earth                        May 16, 2020      1st Thessalonians 4:13-18   The Coming of the Lord, JesusPaul clearly explains that Jesus will return to the earth, set up His Kingdom on the Earth with the changed resurrected Saints to be Kings and Priests during the Millennial Kingdom for 1000 years rule.…

Jephthah, Judge, Commander

Jephthah, Judge, Commander Jephthah, Judge, Commander, Man of Faith           January 25, 2020Who was Jephthah.  What did He do.  B.C. 1256-1250.Jephthah, of Manasseh’s tribe.  This tribe was renowned for its valor:  Jephthah in the East. Their inheritance was ½ tribe east of Jordan and ½ tribe west of Jordan. 9th judge of the IsraelitesJudges 11:30-31 And Jephthah made a vow…

Our Beloved Mothers – Mother’s Day

Our Beloved Mothers Our Beloved Mothers                            May 09, 2020I would like for us to look at Mother’s Day and what do the Scriptures say about Mothers, and the Mother of our children/grandchildren.  History of Mother’s Day. 1868 (Ann Jarvis created a committee to establish 'Mother's Friendship Day')1870 Julia Howe wrote the first Mother's Day proclamation asking women everywhere to…

Are We Being Warned

Are We Being Warned Are We Being Warned                                                  May 02, 2020Are we being warned by God today to change the way we, as a society live and do things with this virus concern.  Are we being warned again about impending judgment and is calling the world to repent. This can be hard thing to understand and discuss in our…