Day of Atonement – Removal of Satan

Day of Atonement Removal of Satan Atonement period is a time of reflection in our lives, turning our lives around in certain parts of what we do, a repentance of things in our lives, a realignment, recommitment, and redirection towards God.  Jesus removes Satan when Jesus returns to the earth to be ruler of the earth.Atonement or At-One-Ment with God …

Feast of Trumpets – Jesus Returns

Feast of Trumpets Jesus Returns Feast of Trumpets – Jesus Returns               September 19, 2020Feast of Trumpets:  Jesus Christ returns to the earth as King and sets up His Kingdom by replacing every human government and 2nd: changes His bride at the twinkling of an eye to a Spirit Being at the sounding of a great trumpet blast.Feast of Trumpets and…

3 Days – 3 Nights, is this true, on the Sabbath between the High Days

3 Days – 3 Nights, is this true; on the Sabbath between the High Days, Resurrection and Ascension, what is the difference Resurrection and Ascension, what is the differenceThe Jewish leadership wanted a sign from Jesus. Matthew 12:38 Then some of the scribes and Pharisees answered, saying, "Teacher, we want to see a sign from You."They asked Jesus to show them…