War in Heaven

War in Heaven: We are going to look at just Scriptures Who are the 3 Main Archangels in heaven involved in this war?Michael: The Warrior Archangel, is always seen as a defender of God, His throne, and His people Israel.Gabriel: The Messenger Archangel, stand in the presence of God and serves as a messenger for God to certain people, Daniel, Zacharias/Elisabeth, Mary/Joseph,…

Book of John 7:25-53

Book of John 7:25-53 Book of John 7:25-53                                      February 20, 2021             Question that is being asked, Can this man be the Messiah Jesus is teaching from the Temple Only the Apostle John covers this happening at the Temple.John 7:25 Then some of the people of Jerusalem began saying, "This is the man they are trying to kill, isn't…

Temple Architecture vs Christians

Temple Architecture vs Christians Temple Architecture vs Christians                                                         August 8, 2020One of my favorite subject to talk about and to study the Temple Architecture and how it is related to someone who claims to be a Christian with the Holy Spirit in them and are the Temple of the Holy Spirit.  To understand this, we need to understand…