Book of John 12:16-30

Book of John 12:16-30 Jesus Triumph Entry into Jerusalem symbolizing that Jesus is the Messiah. As the Scriptures is written: John 12:15 "Stop being afraid, people of Zion. Look, your king is coming, sitting upon a donkey's colt!" John 12:16 At first his disciples didn't understand these things. However, when Jesus had been glorified, they remembered that these things had been written about…

The Book of Revelation 1:1-20

The Book of Revelation 1:1-20 First let’s notice up front, the Revelation is singular, not plural.Revelation:  means The Unveiling or DisclosureThe ultimate end, finish of all things.The only book promising a special blessing to the reader.404 verses containing over 800 hints from the Old Testament.It presents the climax of God’s Plan for Man. Apostle John, the Author of:The Gospel of…

Book of John 11:45-57

Book of John 11:45-57 The raising of Lazarus is found only in the Gospel of John. Before the final week, we have a special witness to His Glory. Book of John 11:45-57                                August 28, 2021The raising of Lazarus is found only in the Gospel of John. Before the final week, we have a special witness to His Glory.John 11:43 After…

Guardian Angels in the Scriptures

Guardian Angels in the Scriptures We will find Guardians Angels are divine, created agents of God sent to protect and aid the Saints, Believers and their families on earth in times of need.  Guardian Angels in the Scriptures                 July 31, 2021What can be found in the Scriptures regarding Guardian Angels?We will find Guardians Angels are divine, created agents of God…